About Yiling......


1. What time is it?
-- What time is it when you read this? :P

2. The name as it appears on your birth certificate?
-- Yiling Liu

3. Nicknames?
-- Elaine/Little Good

4. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake?
-- I don't eat cake in my birthday, but if you really want to know, it's 27.

5. Date that you regularly blow them out? -
-- As I told you, I DON'T celebrate birthday, well, I do accept gifts...It's Jan.26. ^__*

-- I had a bird, but he's gone to heaven in 1995.

7. Height?
-- 165cm.

8. Eye color?
-- I used to believe they were black, but actually they are BROWN.

9. Hair color?
-- Black.

10. Piercing?
-- None. I think that adding holes in my body will change my fate to better or worse. My life is not perfect, but acceptable at this point. So I don't want to take the chance.

11. Tattoos?
-- None.

12. How much do you love your job??
-- I used to love it a lot, but now it is just OK.

13. Birthplace?
-- Tai-Chung, Taiwan

14. Hometown?
-- Difficult to define. My family moved 18 times in three different cities when I grew up in Taiwan. And I have changed addresses almost every year since I came to the States. Where is my hometown..mmm...I had lived in Taiwan for 22 years, there you go.

15. Current residence?
-- Fremont, California, USA. For your information, I had lived in Huston, TX; Bloomington, IN and Concord, NH.

16. Had the drink Calypso Breeze?
-- No.

17. Been in love before?
-- I don't know. I only had crushes on some people, however, never had the mutual relationship though. Does it count?

18. Been to Africa?
-- No, but I have the book "Out of Africa" the 1952 special edition for TIME Magazine Reading Program. I found it in the library book sale.

19. Been drunk?
-- Never. Maybe I should try once...

20. Been toilet-papered?
-- No.

21. Loved somebody so much it made you cry?
-- Yeah... well, no one knows and no big deal anyway.

22. Been in a car crash?
-- No.

23. Croutons or bacon bits in your salad?
-- Bacon bits, I like putting Croutons in my soup though.

24. 2 doors or 4 doors? -
-- 4 doors Silver VW Jetta 2001, I am still paying the loan...

25. Sprite or 7UP? -
-- 7UP, do you know the commercial few years ago featuring a boy named Fido Dido? I had lots of Fido Dido T-shirts when I was in college. My friends used to call me Fido Dido girl. Ha~

26. Coffee or coffee ice cream?
-- Coffee when I feel I am a grown-up, but coffee ice cream revives my childish playing spirits inside.

27. Big Mac or Whopper?
-- Whopper, you know it is really bigger than Big Mac...

28. Salad dressings?
-- Italian, I like honey mustard, too.

29. Color of socks?
-- Various.

30. Favorite number?
-- It's always 6.

31. Carpet or hardwood floor?
-- I like hardwood. The apartment I lived in Bloomington has a great hardwood floor.

32. Favorite place to be kissed ?
-- Don't know.

33. Favorite movies?
-- The big blue, A river runs through it, Dances with wolves, Singles.

34. Quote from a movie or TV?
-- " If you die, I will hold your hand. The last thing you ever see will be me." from "Dying Young"

35. Favorite holiday?
-- Christmas, it is a good reason to think about someone without feeling embarrased and good excuse to send warm greetings even we don't see each other very often.

36. Foods?
-- Chinese, Italian, Mexican Fajita, Korean TOFU stew, Vietnamese noodles, Japanese Tampra.

37. Favorite day of the week?
-- Wednesday.

38. Favorite smell?
-- Gardenia. (or Ocean Breeze)

39. TV shows?
-- It used to be Felicity, Young Americans (hehe..the teen drama), now I don't watch too much TV shows.

40. Airlines?
-- Continental Airline, I am collecting the mileages.

41. Restaurant?
-- No preference. I enjoy trying new ones.

42. Favorite Flower?
-- Babies' Breath. The only flowers I could receive with whole pleasure.

43. Least favorite subject?
-- Stocks, money...but I will pretent I am listening if I have to.

44. Favorite alcoholic drink?
-- Margarita, flavored beer cooler.

45. Sport to watch?
-- Ice Skating.

46. Type of ice cream?
-- Cherry Garcia from Ben & Jerry.

47. Zoo exhibit?
-- Except monkeys.

48. Sesame street character?
-- "Forgotten", I am not sure the name, the one who always forgets things.

49. TV station?
-- WB for teen drama, Bravo for nice films, and Cooking Channel for enjoy the presentation of food.

50. Fast food restaurant?
-- KFC

51. When was your last hospital visit?
-- 1997

52. Favorite drink?
-- Tea, however, I always have a glass of water with lemon if eat in restaurant.

53. What color is your bedroom carpet?
-- Whilte Sand Beige.

54. What was the name of your childhood blanket?
-- Bei-Bei, I still name the current blanket the same. ^__^

55. How many times did you fail your drivers license test?
-- Three times, you know I wasn't goot at all for tests.

56. What do you think of Ouija boards?
-- Spiritual, I do believe there are spirits talking to us.

57. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
-- Hopefully get a small house somewhere in a Midwest town. I will have a bakery where I provide cakes, of course, and books and music. All my friends are welcome and free of charge. To be honest, I will never get there in 10 years. And after 10 years, even I would be capable financially, I am not sure if I still have the dream. Let's see...

58. Have you ever been convicted of a crime?
-- No.

59. Which SINGLE store would you choose to max your credit card?
-- Kitchenware store.

60. What do you do most often when you are bored?
-- I would simply drive to nowhere. If i have to be in doors, I would read, write, sort my CDs and photos, or take bath for an hour.

61. Name the person that you are friends with that lives the nearest?
-- Hanns, Anita, and Fred. I am not sure which one is the nearest.

62. Most annoying thing is?
-- Being trapped in one place or being forced to do something. Having too much responsibilities.

63. Best thing?
-- Going away whenever I like.

64. Bedtime on a normal day?
-- I try to sleep before 10pm, but usually it's around midnight.

(The above information was last updated in 2000.)


Eventually, all things merge into one, and a river runs through it. The river was cut by the world's great flood and runs over rocks from the basement of time. On some of the rocks are timeless raindrops. Under the rocks are the words, and some of the words are theirs.

~Norman Maclean, "A River Runs Through It."

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