
My Secret Playground in Cyberspace...

Hey, here I povide a group of links that I feel very interesing and they might be useful to you. However, I am not related to or in association with any of the following websites.

Fremont's Finest Coffee House
The only coffee house I know plays Jazz all day long. When sitting by the window with double Latte reminds me a snowing Feburary afternoon in Bloomington, Indiana.
Bay Area Backroads
This is a door inviting me to walk out breathing differently.
East Bay Reginal Parks
The outdoor activities can recharge you great energy!
Roadtrip Dream!!
Where you can find the useful information about roadtrip in the US, and meet those people who love travelling on the road.
When you are not financially strong enough to afford an art work, here is a place you should go to build your own art gallery and feed your desire to art.
Chinese Poem Prediction
A very accurate predicting method by analyzing the poems written thousands ago.
Online Novel Reading
A place to read "Net Fiction" in Chinese.
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Comming Soon
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