On the Road

Looking for California Spirits, September, 2002.

When traveling solo, I tend to make things simple.  Fulfilled gas tank is the first must, map, camera and a few rolls of film, an easy carried bag, and sunglasses -- not for looking cool, but for protection.

Auburn Statute

the first stop is Auburn, California, a small ming town, This statue is standing at the entrance where joins the highway.

Fire House

Also in Auburn..

Peaceful Corner


Cotton Field on the HWY

This is the first time I saw the cotton field while driving in a narrow country road. 



Memories Swept Away

I lost one film which I took most pictures in Nevada City. It was also one of the oldest mining town. I met an old lady who moved there in 1950, and another museum attandant who knows a lot of stories about Chinese immigrants. This film records the spirit of this trp, but lost in the half way.

(C) 2002 by Yiling Liu. All Rights Reserved.