The Will to be Alive

By Yiling Liu

When the night chill remains till the morning, the autumn is coming. I feel more energize in cooler weather.

Recent Activities...


May - Starting the playwriting class; starting to write a Sunday column in "Star Daily" focus on book reviews and cooking notes.

June -  Acting as photographer for A-Cheng's wedding.

July - Acting as Tsao's maid in her wedding.

September - Finally have vacation!!  Will visit family in the US.

ps. This photo was taken in the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, Library of the Law School.


According to some friends' complaint, the original Chinese website has too many coding problems and not convenient for English readers. Therefore, the English Version website finally came out. The content is not the same as the original site, and I try to manage my writing basically in English rather than simply translating from Chinese. I can image it would be very poor writing, one friend had mentioned that I should rewrite most of my articles. Well, what I am trying to do is to place a piece of myself here sharing the joyfulness or sadness with whomever visiting this site. And I know, most of you are my dear friends. ^___^
Please come back frequently to check any new article and updates.

ps. All photos in this website are taken by Yiling Liu.

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"Riddles and Reflections"
~ In Michigan State University, Lancing, MI.

(C) 2002 by Yiling Liu. All Rights Reserved.